Tuesday 20 September 2011

The Purpose of a Trailer

The main purpose of a trailer is to advertise a film or television programme to a large audience. Trailers are used to attract an audience into watching a film or soap - particularly a certain episode of a soap. Trailers need to be thrilling in order to gain and hold the audiences' attention.
Trailers are shown on TV and in the cinema to be able to attract a wide range of people into watching the film/soap.
Soap Opera trailers are primarily shown on the television in advertisment breaks between programmes. By showing trailers at all times of the day this allows a wider audience to be targeted as different people will be tuned into the television. However, most soap opera trailers are shown during prime-time as this is when most people will be watching and this enables a huge audience to be targeted - people of all ages, both genders and demographic groups B-E mainly.

This trailer introduces and promotes 2 new characters to the soap, the Mitchell sisters - Ronnie & Roxy. The trailer shows a party in the Queen Vic held by the two sisters. The trailer denotes an immediate happy vibe and bubbly atmosphere with everyone dancing, The sound in the piece also relates to the theme.
The trailer gives an idea to the audience of how the sisters will behave in the square and makes viewers want to carry on watching to find out what they get up to and what mischief they get themselves in to.
As the trailer is lively, this attracts a wide audience and will gain and hold the attention of viewers.
The trailer is primarily targeted at the younger generation, demographic groups D and E and makes use of The Male Gaze Theory (Laura Mulvey) to attract a male audience as well. The use of the red dress and red lipstick is used to entise a male audience. The colour red has sexual connotations.

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