Thursday 22 September 2011

Past Students Soap Opera Trailers

A non-diegetic, up-beat soundtrack has been used throughout the trailer which helps attract and maintain the audiences' attention. The music is also inkeeping with the theme of the trailer and the sexuality of the main character.

Exterior settings have been used throughout the entire trailer. This helps the audience identify with the location of the soap opera and shows the area in which the soap will take place. As the setting is exterior, naturalistic lighting has been used and considered.
The costumes immediately show the character stereotypes. The main character is seen wearing a black dress and red heels. This gives immediate connotations of leadership and also signifies darkness suggesting that the character is mischevious.

An open narrative is used within the trailer so the audience can see how storylines will go on to develop.

A street sign with the name of the soap has been created to use as the title which is a creative way to challenge conventions. The writing is clear and readable for the audience. However it could be made a little bit bigger in some parts.

A non-diegetic, high pitched soundtrack is used in the trailer. This gives an eerie feel to the soap opera trailer. Dialogue is used within certain clips of the trailer to give the audience an idea of the upcoming storylines.

The soap trailer uses interior and exterior settings. The interior settings show the charcters houses and the exterior setting gives the audience an idea on location. The lighting in the interior settings is fairly dark so this could be improved on. The costumes are also fairly dark so this gives the idea that something bad is going to happen.

An open narrative is used in the trailer so the audience must keep watching to find out what happens next. Many different storylines rae focused upon in the trailer.

The titles used are basic. They use a bold white writing style on a black background. This does not draw as much attention but it is easy to read and the audience will be able to remember it.

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