Sunday 25 September 2011

Soap Opera Magazine Analysis

I analysed two existing magazine listings covers in order to gain research into the generic conventions of a magazine cover and what makes them successful so I could apply this knowledge when it came to creating my own magazine cover for my own soap opera.

Soap Opera Magazine Analysis

Magazine Analysis 2

For my own soap opera, I would be looking to create a magazine cover special edition which would just feature our new soap.
Both magazine covers I have looked at and from previous knowledge, covers usually are very bright and busy so they are able to stand out on the shop shelves.
The magazine covers are similar with the use of bright headings to make the magazine cover eye-catching to the audience so I would make sure I used plenty of bright colours in this same way on my own cover.
The main cover line questions the audience and leaves them with something to think about which I will be looking to do with my magazine cover as this would make individuals buy the magazine to give clues to the answer.
Also magazines tned to have the key aspects situated in the left third of the magazine as this is the part of the magzine shown on the shop shelves.
Character emotion always reflects the storylines so I would make sure that the storylines are portrayed through the emotions and use of close up shots on the magazine cover. This research has shown me the conventions which are used to create a successul magazine cover so I will be able to follow these and challenge some.

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